Friday, September 22, 2006

what a week

my current mood: content but sleepy

umm... some one has created a starwars musical. If you get a chance listen to "hans your man" so funny and random. I love it.

well this morning's movie is : STARWARS: Episode III

Yup starwars fan. this is Manda's movie pic today. what a great movie. It ties the gap between old and new. The music for all the starwars movies are so awesome. It would be so cool playing in an orchestra doing blockbuster movie music. oh man that would be the coolest thing ever.

(this is an orchestra rehearsal of starwars)

Oh man just to hear that never forgettable opening theme song is so amazing. I can also hear the influences that the composer Orff has on John Williams for the Starwars music. if you listen or play Carmina Burana and then some of the music of starwars you know what i am talking about. last semester we played Carmina burana and all i could think of when i heard it was that sounds like starwars music.

well this week has been a crazy one. I have been with out a computer for 3 days now. I am using the one at work. It is such a pain in the butt. i have had 2 computer people look at it and they do not know what is wrong. I might have to re-load windows on it. what a pain. *sigh*

the orchestra concert on Wed. was very good. all i have heard is positive comments about it. that is a very good thing. 2 things that was bad was the stupid ticket situation and my roommate lost her car keys. she did not find them.
not a good day for the most part.
I got talked to rudely by the grad TA in my ed 350 class. Here is what the situation is. I get a ride from another music ed student and she is not very happy to give me rides because it is out of the way. i have no other transportation to get to CLP JR. high by 7:30am. i would bike or ride the bus if they had a bus that goes to La Porte or if it was not so far away.
In this class we get to go into the Jr. high schools here in Pouder valley school districts to do service learning. the teachers place us at either CLP or Lincoln. we observe and do some student service learning for 2 hrs and then meet up with the class at the schools to talk about what we observed and what not. well I have to meet up with the graduate TA during the group meeting. I have 4 other music kids in that class and to accommodate us the main teacher for that class told us that we can rotate from the 2 Jr. high schools and 1 high school. this plan is not well thought out. Yesterday the girl that gives me rides told me that she is going to go to the high school so i said well i can go to Lincoln so that i can just ride the bus that runs right in front of the school. this is the plan. I went to see if that was OK with the TA and she was just very rude to me. I explained that my ride was going to the high school and that i wanted to go to Lincoln so that i can have a ride to the schools because i did not have a car. and then she cut me off before i could tell her that i was going to see if the other music kids at Lincoln can exchange with me that day. she shot me down quick fast and in a hurry. basically she said "NO. you can not go to Lincoln because you do not have a car and i need you here for our class meeting. so you will just have to be here all semester." I asked her what was the point of the rotation that the main teacher set up? and she said she did not know. walked away because i was really mad at her by the rudeness she showed me. she later said that she was going to talk to the main teacher about it but for now that i needed to stay and the girl that i get rides from cannot go to the high school because she did not want to overwhelm the music director there. this does not make sence because the music director there is happy to have us at his school and this is a planned thing.
people's actions are stupid sometimes.
I was just bummed that my computer is not working as well yesterday. I had 2 people who are good with computers look at it yesterday and they had no clue what was up with my computer. *shrug* cello class was not fun either because my cello teacher was picking on me a bit because i am not as good of a sight reader as the other 2 people in the class that day. I have actually improved on that greatly and i think that my small ensemble skills are improved as well. but my cello lesson was good and my quartet rehearsal was good as well. I am excited for the ACME string quartet. (that is the quartet I am in now) we play so well together. I think that we have a shot at playing at the chamber group show case concert this year. that would be really cool.

Bad behaviors: well this week i noticed that i have 2 bad behaviors that i have observed in guys that i do not care for.

1. when guys hock Luggies (especially when they are walking behind you) just that sound is so gross

2. I witnessed a guy yesterday while i was eating, talking to 2 girls. while he was talking to these girls he stuck his hand down the front of his pants. now if i was those girls i would be appalled and would steer clear of that dude. EWWWWWW!!!

funny guy behavior:

My roommate was telling me about this guy who also plays french horn who asked her if she wanted to play orchestra excerpts this weekend with him. now that is an odd way to ask a girl out, well it seems like he is asking her out. she accepted his invitation just to see. if he did not mean it that way then she gets to play orchestra excerpts which is good experience for her. :)


I am excited because i get to go home again. I love going home and spending time with my family. it brings me back from my stressful college life and lets me be at peace with my self. I feel a since of normalcy that i miss here at school. I also miss my kitties. so that is good that i get to see them.

well i am at work now. dealing with the gross smell of empty microwave popcorn bag left by the person that worked before me. then i am going to get ready, eat breakfast and try to fix my computer. then i have quartet at 10. i will not forget to go this week. ;) and then i have class at 1pm a study meeting at 2 and class at 3 then off to home i go. :) then i come back on Sunday. i think i am going to go to church in the morning so that i can get back mid afternoon so i can do some homework.

well i am going to end my blog here

~Manda Panda

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